Thursday 11 August 2011


Add Swimming speed and duration are closely tied: high-speed swimming probably lasts only seconds, while low-speed swimming may last for long periods of time. caption

Exercise studies indicate that bottlenose dolphins can reach burst (maximum) speeds of 29 to 35 kph (18–22 mph).

A dolphin's characteristic fusiform shape is quite energy-efficient for swimming. Compared to other body shapes, this shape creates less drag (the opposing force an object generates as it travels through water). Blubber smoothes the contour of a dolphin and contributes to its smooth shape.

Certain toothed whales, such as bottlenose dolphins, sometimes ride ocean swells or a boat's bow or stern wake. Riding a wave or a wake, a dolphin can go almost twice as fast using the same energy cost

A dolphin holds its breath while below water.

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